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Aurum Potable (Tincture of Gold).

Aurum Potable (Tincture of Gold).


Tincture Ingredients: Alchemically catalysed oil of gold, carrier alcohol spirit.


Sol invictus! Our Aurum Potable is a tincture of gold, comprising of the catalysed oil of gold in carrier alcohol spirit/alcohol. This product is prepared using traditional alchemical methods and tested for purity. Here at the Temple of Mercury our product is a separation of the soul/colour/tinct of the metal also traditionally in alchemy called an "oil of gold" because of it's oily appearance after catalysation. There is no actual gold present in this product (NOT a colloidal), nor is this a "vibrational" extract as found in many common new-age essences. What you can see in the colour is the medicinal profile of the gold in liquid form. Our aurum potable, is a product produced through a catalytic reaction of gold with a special alchemical menstruum (solvent) that transfers the energy and information of the precious metal into a digestable form. This formulation is from an ancient alchemical text from 8th century CE Arabia by Khalid Ibn Yazid found in the text Secreta Alchemie. Prized by ancient Egyptians for developing the astral body for use in spiritual practice, the oil of gold is traditionally used as a warming, vitality sacrament.


To learn more about the oil of gold and how it is prepared, click here.

Traditional Hermetic Correspondences of the Formula 

Key words: vitality, energy, courage, optimism, clarity, positivity, direction, strength, fortification, resilience, awareness. Alchemical correspondences of gold: the sun, the heart, the colour gold, the first and final (higher octave) note of a musical scale, vitality, Tiphareth on the tree of life, the astral body.  


In Hermetic practice it is traditionally taken one drop per day with wine, or added to any drink (water, tea etc.). A 5ml bottle contains 120-150 drops, or 3-6 months dosage, depending on dropper size. 10ml is double.


It should be stated for those who are unaware of alchemical methods that the "tinct" (soul/colour or profile of the metal) is extracted, but the metal itself is left behind. As such, there is no actual metal present in this spagyric, only the medicinal part of the metal is separated and catalysed into an oil.

  • Testimonials

    "Dear Ben, thank you or the Oil of Gold. It had a tangible effect when I took it daily. In fact I couldn't get enough of it! It felt like the sun was rising in my life, a life I was creating from scratch at the time. Empowering, energizing and uplifting. I felt a sense of courage to live my truth coming through strongly, and the support to make this happen. Highly recommended!"  - Rebecca.

    "The Oil of gold was fantastic. My partner felt such clarity and energy. I felt it working on clearing my emotional dross.  Thanks again!"  - Joejo.

    "I took one drop of the gold from Aug 7 to Sept 7. I felt more centered and able to stick with intentions thru completion."  - Anne.

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